選擇報名論壇場次 Enroll in Forum Sessions


水安全 - Water Towards Safety
水環境 - Water Towards Sustainable Environment
水發展 - Water Towards Prosperity
9/10 (二)
  • 上午 9:00 ~ 12:00
  • 下午 2:00 ~ 5:00
9/11 (三)
  • 上午 9:00 ~ 12:00
  • 下午 2:00 ~ 5:00

* Personal Data Collection Agreement

* I fully understand these statements and are willing to comply.


With regard to your information to be collected by the website, it will be used for the registration of this workshop.The period of use of personal information is the duration of the organization or business, and the area of use is not limited.

For more details, please contact us by e-mail.


  • * 」為必填欄位,請務必填寫,以利於行政作業。
    To better provide our service, please make sure that you fill in all the columns marked in (*).
  • 為鼓勵女性踴躍參加,將優先保留女性名額。
    To encourage female participation, we will prioritize reservations for women.
  • 因資料有限,會議資料將優先提供給預先報名者, 如線上報名已額滿,您可直接至活動現場報名,但無法保證可領取會議資料。敬請提早線上報名,以免向隅。
    Due to our limit number of event handouts for distribution, it will primarily distribute to participants of early registration. If online registration is fully booked, please register directly at the event venue. However, we may not guarantee that you will receive the handouts for this event. We also recommend you registering earlier to ensure your qualification for attending the event.
  • 我們將於活動前,以E-mail或簡訊發送行前通知給您,敬請填寫電子信箱及行動電話,以利活動報到。
    We may notify you about the event schedule via e-mail and SMS. Please make sure to fill in your e-mail and phone number for event registration.
  • 請填寫真實資料,以方便聯繫及完成報名!
    Please make sure that all personal information filled in the form are accurate and complete. The registration for the event may not be successful if we may not be able to contact you.