ABOUT Water Leaders Summit

聯合國在今(2024)年「世界水資源日」(World Water Day)發布了以「水促進繁榮與和平」(Water for Prosperity and Peace)為主題的世界水資源發展報告,強調人類的繁榮與安全有賴於發展一個安全且平等的水未來。目前,全球約有一半人口在一年之中曾經有一段時間面臨嚴重的缺水問題,而隨著氣候變遷加劇,乾旱和洪澇災害的頻率及嚴重程度也將進一步增加。



The UN World Water Development Report 2024, titled "Water for Prosperity and Peace," emphasizes the crucial role of secure and fair water management in ensuring global prosperity and peace. Approximately half of the world's population currently faces seasonal water scarcity, worsened by climate change which intensifies droughts and floods globally.

Taiwan is amidst this climate crisis where cycles of droughts and floods are increasingly common. Over the past eight years, Taiwan's Water Resources Agency, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, has diligently implemented the Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program: Water Environments. This initiative has yielded initial successes in enhancing water security, safety, and environmental quality, preparing for future challenges.

The 2024 Taiwan International Water Week will focus on "Water Towards Safety, Sustainable Environment and Prosperity," convening experts globally. Discussions will cover Taiwan's achievements in water management, alongside topics like AI in disaster prevention, nature-based solutions for ecological balance, and advanced water supply and treatment technologies. These exchanges aim to spur innovation and strategic planning for sustainable water resource development.



